Thursday, July 10, 2008

There Way Multi Chat Skype

burned cars: new compensation under Measure

Sometimes I see burnt out cars in my city. The carcass is in the middle of the street and this gives a bad impression. This week, I saw one, without knowing the cause of the disaster, before the school door-Oceans. For my part, I have had my car set on fire twice. The first time was in the street under the cable car but the vehicle was traveling again. The second time it happened in a municipality near Le Havre. It's enough to become as paranoid as Ségolène Royal!

The problem of burning cars could one day affect all motorists. I am therefore delighted that the law will now allow owners to indemnify the more modest who absolutely need a car to work, transporting children to school ...

"The Fund for the Victims of terrorist acts and other offenses can now repay the amount of damage up to 4,000 euros, that the arsonist is known or not, victims of" good faith " and "modest", that is to say whose income does not exceed 2,000 euros per month. To prevent abuse, the vehicle fire will be covered by insurance minimum, have undergone a technical inspection and the fire must have occurred on the national territory. "The owners will make themselves known to the court High Court or the commission of compensating victims. It remains to be seen how the law will be applied in practice to tell whether it is satisfactory.

I think the community should support the removal of wrecks Car victims of arson on public roads. For my part, as regards the common agglomeration of Le Havre, I had to get a truck "breaks" at my expense for the removal of the wreck. It costs a hundred euros. When the third party is insured, it is already experiencing the ordeal of having his car burned and must, in addition, suffer to pay the removal of his vehicle became a wreck. The word solidarity in these difficult cases should apply.


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