Friday, July 18, 2008

Falklands War Trench Foot

2010 regional elections: the mode of ballot should not change

The president said, according to the newspaper Le Monde that the voting in regional elections should not change. Reform in this area will not occur. It is a pity since Some demanded a change. Their voice was not heard. They unfortunately did not have enough influence. It is true that I prefer, like others, a simple plurality system in regard to regional elections. I hope it will someday. The year 2009 should, as the president of the republic, making new and - hopefully - the simplifications in respect of decision-making levels in territorial terms. I have long said that the two relevant levels are now the town of Le Havre and Normandy reunited. Reflection limited to a single common seems increasingly obsolete. Consider, for example, that labels are now given to cities and over only to municipalities. Broaden our horizons.


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