Monday, March 9, 2009

Burning Between Butt And Balls

Management Response FC Sangatte. Sports Notices

Following comments posted on the sports notice last weekend, we realize that the blog is beginning to operate ...

In terms of invitations and game time, I think do a lot of effort to please everyone:

- Depending on their availability for training sessions or matches (does not everyone
the same schedules but everyone pays their license to play)
- Depending on the qualities of each of the vacancies, fitness and personal growth
- Depending on the game to play, its progress and the available workforce

After it is a matter of choice within a single goal: WIN ...

Whether A, B or Veterans ...

There are also delegates in these teams to make up the information.

The dialogue is open, but do so anonymously will not move much things ...

If need more individual explanations, I'm always there for workouts Tuesdays and Thursdays from 17:45 in the stadium

And I too am not always called ...

This is just entertainment and it's got the rest ... I do not think we played the World Cup this weekend ...

Regarding departures, everyone is free ... but I do not remember these mutations for reasons of notices.

@ +
field ...


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