Monday, November 5, 2007

Apartment Intent To Vacate

Committee Meeting FC Sangatte

Friday, November 2, 2008, the Committee FC SANGATTE , chaired by Mr. Bruno Desmoliens met at Municipal Stadium to take stock of early season events and prepare for the season 2007/2008.

All categories represented the club, seniors, chicks, beginners and veterans experiencing a satisfactory start to the season, particularly in terms of attendance at training sessions. Sports scores are not even really go but the good atmosphere within the association will continue to advance.

sponsors were present for the financing of equipment and structure of the club year after year. The committee is expanding with the inclusion of new members or volunteers ready to invest in community life. The next investment will be the establishment of a washing machine and dryer for swimsuits. Municipality has, in turn, invested in a new lighting system lands that enhance working conditions during training.

Many events are planned during the 2007-2008 season with a contest Belote Friday, November 30, 2007, a dinner dance Saturday, April 5, 2008, a tournament veteran Sunday, May 4 and the traditional sixth tournament Sunday, June 8 .

Enquiries 0619723107.